To strengthen the group’s ability to represent other people’s points of view.
The 15 cards or bricks you put aside from the bottom of the pyramid in activity 1.2(c) Agree – Disagree, activity sheet 5 and about an hour. You can also use a tape recorder or video camera.
Make a list of five audiences you as a group may have spoken to or need to speak to when wanting to get things changed in your area. These might include, for example:
Take the 15 cards you discarded in activity 1.2(c) Agree – Disagree and each choose a card you didn’t write or draw yourself. Take up to ten minutes to prepare a three-minute speech supporting this issue to one of the audiences you have identified. In planning, you might want to note three key points you want to make. Then put your case as if it was incredibly important to you, with the rest of the group being the audience. You might also have one or two people as observers, whose job it is to listen carefully to the speeches and then reflect with the group on how they did. You can also record the speeches with tape recorder or video, so the group can play them back and learn from each other. You can of course try again on the same topic to a different audience, or try a different topic. To make the activity even more challenging, you can:
Talk together about how it felt speaking out about something that may be important to someone else but
isn’t that important to you. What was it like listening to someone else putting your case? What learning does
the group want to hold on to that will help you in the future best respect and represent other people’s points
of view? Take a few moments to start your own list and then compare with the ideas in the example.
Do you want to add or change anything? When you are agreed on your top tips, complete your own list, using
activity sheet 5 if you wish.