Where to find out more: A list of useful resources and contacts for you
- Article 12: A Right to Know. A resource pack for children and young people on their rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; includes video, poster and booklet. Available from UNICEF, 0870 6063377
- Ask us (2001 and 2003). The Children’s Society, £5.50. Tel: 020 7841 4415. Outline of project available at www. jrf.org.uk/knowledge/findings/socialcare/741.asp CD-Roms resulting from multi-media consultations through which over 300 disabled children and young people aged 4 to 24 from across England addressed issues such as access to leisure, participation and social exclusion, communication and services. Summary of process and outcomes (2004) available from The Children’s Society.
- Keeping It Safe: a young person-centred approach to safety and child protection, standards and guidelines (2002). National Council for Voluntary Youth Services, £30. Tel: 020 7278 1041. Comprehensive pack covering child protection, safe recruitment and selection, managing staff and providing safe activities – including risk assessment, insurance, transport and safe internet access. It includes a range of practical material, including code of conduct and sample consent and incident forms.
- Norton, M. (2002), How to be a community champion – a practical manual for young activists. Centre for Innovation in Voluntary Action, Norton@civa.prestel.co.uk. A lively and practical guide packed with ideas and advice for young people wanting to take action in their community or change the world. It is aimed at young people who wish to engage in some sort of community action to help them do it themselves.
- Shepherd, C. and Treseder, P. (2002), Participation – spice it up! Save the Children, £18.95. Available from Plymbridge Distributors, orders@plymbridge.com, or 01752 202301. Produced by Dynamix, a Swansea-based cooperative using participative methods with children and young people, this manual provides practical tools for engaging children and young people in planning and consultations.
- Treseder, P. (1997), Empowering Children and Young People. Save the Children, £15. Available from Plymbridge Distributors as above. Manual, full of checklists and exercises, aimed at professionals promoting children and young people’s empowerment in a range of sectors. Section 1 focuses on helping professionals to increase their understanding of issues relating to empowering young people in their work, while section 2 focuses on training young people to be active in decision-making by building their confidence and skills. The final part looks at long-term strategies for making empowerment work.
- Badham, B. and Wade, H. (2008), Hear by Right: standards framework for the participation of children and young people. The National Youth Agency/Local Government Association. Available at sales@nya.org.uk, 0116 242 7427. Hear by Right offers tried and tested standards for organisations across the statutory and v voluntary sectors to assess and improve practice and policy on the active involvement of children and young people. The standards cover seven areas, forming a framework to help achieve change in an organisation: shared values, strategy, structure, systems, staff, elected members and trustees, skills and knowledge, and style of leadership.
- Worrall, S. and Treseder, P. (2000), Young People as Researchers: a learning resource pack. Save the Children. £9.95. Pack provides materials for workers training young people in participatory research. It includes a list of identified competencies, together with exercises and background information focusing on research issues, research methods, analysis and report writing, and learner needs, support and evaluation.
- YouthBank UK Toolkit (2003), YouthBank UK. A practical handbook to train groups of young people to set up and run their local YouthBanks. Available from YouthBank@nya.org.uk, 0116 242 7446. £40.00.
- Young Researcher Toolkit (2008), The NYA. An online resource to develop knowledge and skills in evaluation and research. Free download at www.nya.org.uk/youngresearchernetwork
Organisations promoting children and young people’s rights and participation
British Youth Council
Independent charity and coalition of 150 organisations, run for and by young people, in order to represent their views to government, the media and others. It organises and facilitates consultations with young people, supports local youth councils and runs a participation training programme for young people and practitioners. Tel: 020 7422 8640. Website: www.byc.org.uk
Children’s Rights Alliance for England
An alliance of over 180 organisations committed to children’s human rights through the fullest implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Publications available online include State of Children’s Rights in England (2002), Children’s Rights Bulletin (monthly). Tel: 020 7278 8222. Website: www.crae.org.uk/. Supports the involvement of over 18-year-olds in the development of government policy and laws that affect them, through translating and distributing government documents for young people, and providing guidance on political processes.
Aims to build sustainable communities through partnerships in deprived areas throughout the country. Its youth programme aims to help young people play a full and active part in their communities, and has a focus on participation and empowerment. Specific initiatives include Youth Works and Young Voices (with Save the Children). Tel: 0121 236 8565. Website: www.groundwork.org.uk
Investing in Children
Committed to the full implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and children and young people’s equal status in society. Membership is awarded to organisations demonstrating evidence from children and young people of dialogue and change. Website: www.iic-uk.org
Local Government Association
Co-publisher of Hear by Right. Also organises annual local democracy activity each year. Contact LGA Information Centre on 020 7664 3131. Website: www.lga.gov.uk
National Children’s Bureau
Aims to promote the interests and wellbeing of all children and young people across every aspect of their lives. Promoting participation and young citizenship is a major theme of its work. Young NCB is a free membership network for children and young people involved in NCB projects. Tel: 020 7843 6099. Website: www.ncb.org.uk/
National Council for Voluntary Youth Services
The independent voice of the voluntary youth sector in England, NCVYS provides support, information and guidance to the voluntary youth sector on the development of quality youth participation practices. Tel: 020 7422 8630. Website: www.ncvys.org.uk/
The National Youth Agency
Works to advance youth work to promote young people’s personal and social development and their voice, influence and place in society. Tel: 0116 242 7350. Website: www.nya.org.uk
Save the Children
International children’s charity with focus on children’s rights. Tel: 020 7703 5400. Website: www.scfuk.org.uk. Website for young people to learn about rights: www.scfuk.org.uk/rightonline/index.html
The Children’s Society
Works with marginalised children and young people, focusing on tackling the root causes of the problems they face. Tel: 0845 300 1128. Website: www.the-childrens-society.org.uk
United Kingdom Youth Parliament
Aims to provide children and young people of the UK, aged between 11 and 18, with a representative national voice listened to by government, political parties and service providers. Contact Kate Parish. Tel: 01252 844241. Website: www.ukyouthparliament.org.uk
YouthBank UK
YouthBank is an exciting and innovative UK-wide movement, based on local projects run by young people who manage funds and give out grants to other young people for projects and activities that they want to develop and run in their communities. Tel: 0116 242 7445. E-mail: youthbank@nya.org.uk