2.2(d) Community: in a global sense!


To think about community in a global sense and understanding global movement against climate change.

You need

A map of the world, access to the internet, string, blue tak, paper, pens, flipchart and a couple of hours.

What to do

The battle against climate change is a global issue and young people from all over the world are uniting locally, nationally and globally to form one youth movement to give their solutions and vision for the future. In the same way that our individual actions have an affect on the environment, our changes and successes are also felt around the globe. We must champion the cause locally but always remember that we are not alone, that we are part of something bigger and global.

a) Start by doing some research online for climate change groups from across the globe. Many countries, such as the UK, America, Australia, Canada and India have all formed national youth climate coalitions so here might be a good place to start. Try and find about 10 different groups from across the globe.

Once you’ve found an organisation think about:

  • What have they been doing?
  • What projects have they been involved with?
  • What have they achieved on a local, national and international level?
  • What issues are they tackling in their part of the world?

Make a large version of this grid on flipchart to help you note down some of the things you find.

Our Global Partners:

Name What have they been doing? What projects are they involved with? What have they achieved on a local, national or international level? What issues are they tackling in their part of the world?
UK Youth Climate Coalition Bringing together different youth organisations Power Shift, UK Youth Delegation, Outreach projects Local awareness, national recognition and coalition status, international intervention at the UNFCCC talks Carbon emissions, anti-new coal and nuclear plants

b) Stick the map of the world onto the wall and using string and post-it notes label all the different groups you have found and a little bit about each one from the information you’ve gathered.

c) Explore the similarities and difference between what your local community is like and the issues you are facing with young people from difference countries. Using sticky dots, mark all those that are similar to you, and in a different colour the differences.

d) Many of the issues you face will be common to those abroad too. And just as its important to keep strong links with different groups in your local community and on a national level, its also important to share and learn from other groups including those in difference countries. Draw up a list of all the different ways you can stay in contact with them. This may include Facebook or Myspace groups, e-newsletters or checking the website regularly.

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